Fall 2024 Walks

For the Fall of 2024, Mid-Michigan Emmaus is partnering with Southeast Michigan Emmaus. Both Men's (#196) and Women s (#197) Walks will be held at Flushing United Methodist Church. The Men's Walk will be held October 10-13, 2024, with the Women's two weeks later (October 24-27, 2024). Registration is online via the Southeast Michigan website.

Spring 2025 Walks are being planned for March 13-16, 2025 (Men) and March 20-23, 2025 (Women). Walk locations are still being determined and will be held in our region. Any questions, please contact Mid-Michigan Emmaus Registrar, Sue Montei (989-550-2986).

Sponsors: Please fill out the Sponsor Pilgrim Form for you and your pilgrim and send per instructions in the form.


Our September gathering was held on Saturday, September 14th at Ogemaw Hills Free Methodist Church. Stay tuned for more details on October’s gathering—time and place to come.

Board Meetings

The regular meeting night for the Mid-Michigan Emmaus board of directors is the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The board meets at Aldersgate United Methodist Church,  2206 Airfield Lane, Midland MI 48642. Members of the community are welcome at all board meetings. If you have an item for the agenda, please contact the Community Lay Director prior to the meeting. The members of the board and their current roles and responsibilities are listed on the Contacts page.