Scheduled Flights - (SE Michigan Chrysalis)  To register for a flight, please contact the Southeast Michigan Chrysalis community. http://www.emsem.org/
Contact: Bruce Pynnonen [email protected] or 989 430-4291
Registration Forms - Sponsor & Register a Caterpillar
|  | Chrysalis  Chrysalis is, in short, an age-appropriate 'Emmaus Walk for teens.'
The Mid-Michigan Emmaus movement had a Chrysalis movement offering "Flights" (vs "Walks") starting in the year 2000. We no longer have a functioning Chrysalis movement. We have partnered with SouthEast Michigan to support their Chrysalis flights.
Next Flights:
Important note: MidMichigan Chrysalis flights ended because not enough caterpillars were being sponsored. SEMEM needs our help, because their flights (especially the boys' flights) are in danger from low numbers of caterpillars being sponsored. Remember: Christ is Counting on You.
If you want to sponsor a young person (typically 15-17 years of age) on a Chrysalis flight, you can find the registration forms at the link above Or, please contact one of the Board members. If you want to learn more about Chrysalis, you can read on.
Ever wonder if there are other young people feeling the same way you do? Ever wonder if you will ever really understand what God's plan is for your life? Wonder if you are on the right track? What about the times you wish you could share with other young people about how Jesus seems to be right beside you or the times He just does not seem to be hearing or answering you. Well, a Chrysalis weekend is just the place for you to build or renew your relationship with Christ and other young people. It is a WOW experience in Christian love, prayer, laughter, and relationship building.
Another way to look at Chrysalis is to think about the formation of a butterfly. The stage between a caterpillar and the butterfly is known as chrysalis. During that time of gestation it may look like little is happening, but the delicate process of transformation is being accomplished. The same process happens when one is internally transformed into a new creation by Christ, through love, prayer, laughter, and a relationship with Him.
Chrysalis offers a beginning or renewal in that transformation process through a three-day weekend. On a weekend there is worship, recreation, singing, fellowship, discussions, sharing of faith, prayer, and of course food and rest. Talks are given by youth and adults that offer insight to drawing a clearer understanding that being a friend of Christ's involves responsibility, dedication and prayer. Jesus' love and desire to have a relationship is His commitment to your faith journey. Why not take the first step and join other Christian young people who have journeyed and are now "flying high for Christ."
God Loves You and So Do We !! |  | |